Department of Biochemistry

Department of Biochemistry

Biochemistry is the science that studies the organization and functions of biological systems at the molecular level. It is a multidisciplinary basic science, closely related to fields such as toxicology, pharmacognosy, pharmacology, analytical chemistry and microbiology. The Department of Biochemistry teaches pharmacy students in two terms, biochemistry in the second-year spring term and clinical biochemistry laboratory in the fourth-year spring term.

Ankara Medipol University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Biochemistry – Research Areas

1.Bioactivity studies (such as antioxidant, prooxidant activities) in plant extracts and blood serum.

2.Enzyme purification and characterization

3.Development of new bioanalytical methods for bioactive component analysis of biological samples

4.Investigation of the effects of natural and synthetic drug active ingredients on biological samples in terms of biochemical parameters

5.Chromatographic analysis of essential volatile components of medicinal aromatic plants and their bioaffinity applications

6.Enzyme inhibition in biological fluids and tissues as a result of drug interactions

7.Biochemical activity measurements in vivo, in vitro and ex vivo8. Biosensor development and applications


Academic Staff:

  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet CAN – Head of Department

  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Erva ÖZKAN

  • Res. Assist. Bahattin Enes KARATAŞ
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