School of Communication

AnasayfaAcademicsFacultiesSchool of Communication

A dynamic educational model of international standards that prepares highly qualified and equipped communication specialists for the world of communication of the future.

Our goal is to train our students as individuals who are capable of taking charge in the field of Public Relations and Advertising, who are able to use their communication skills and technology efficiently, to analyse and form strategies of communication and to take social responsibilities, who can use their skills in different environments, pay regard to the public interest while practicing their profession, who has the ability to criticise themselves and the world around and who are pioneers that focus on research and practice.

To bring up professional communicators who are able to use technology, who have professional knowledge and ability and make it a habit of studying which is focused on learning, ones who can introduce authentic and challenging ideas in harmony with changing roles and evolving education models of communication and developing technologies, who are knowledgeable and talented, who have the ability to work in teams, accoutred with humanitarian values and who can work transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary.

About being a leading faculty that is proud to be a part of the Ankara Medipol University which can use all modern technical equipment, can prove itself in national and international contests, which can conduct authentic studies of communication projects and that is a well-known, always-consulted pioneer.

Our faculty has instructors who can adapt to different styles of education and who have succeeded in national and international circles, alongside with having conducted important studies in their field and having had experience in the sector and who aim to train professionals and scientists.

Students who apply for the Turkish programs can optionally benefit from our language schools.

Simultaneous/Jointed Program
Students who meet the criteria of success within the first two years of their bachelor’s program can simultaneously start master’s or/and PhD programs, hence reach their career goals sooner.

Medipol Education Foundation (MEV) Scholarship
Students who rank among top  1000 in the ÖSYM University Selection/Matriculation Exam and students who display a certain level of success within the academic year are granted scholarships and support for language education in foreign countries particular to their case. For more information about other scholarships and discounts, you can visit our university’s website.


Our classrooms offer smartboards and projectors with the most recent technology.

Computer lab
Our faculty facilities offer a computer laboratory with 60 computers.

Seminar halls
Our facilities offer meeting and seminar halls.

Medipol University Central Library offers its services.

Social and sports activities and student clubs and associations
Our students can benefit from sports and social, cultural consultation and counseling activities and services offered by Ankara Medipol University Health, Culture and Sports Department..

Ankara Medipol University Health, Culture and Sports Department offers lunch service to all of our students. Daily menus are prepared according to the energy and need supply considering the nutritional needs of the students who would like to make use of the cafeteria service offered.

By considering the adequate and balanced nutritional needs of the students who would like to use the cafeteria services, the daily menus are prepared

Our faculty offers EU Socrates/Erasmus exchange programs with various other universities. Our aim is to provide support for our students who are willing to be introduced to different cultures. Moreover, our students are offered double degree and minor programs and lateral transfer opportunities within our institution.

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