General Secretariat

AnasayfaUniversityGeneral Secretariat

The General Secretariat consists of a general secretary, two assistant general secretaries and affiliated units. The Secretary-General is the head of the administrative organization of the University and is responsible to the Rector for the work of this organization. Apart from these duties as the head of the University’s administrative organization, the Secretary-General performs the following responsibilities and the units affiliated to them.

  • To ensure that the units in the university administrative organization work efficiently, regularly and in harmony;
  • To act as a rapporteur in the University Senate and the University Administrative Board without voting;
  • To ensure that the decisions taken in these meetings are written, protected and preserved;
  • To convey the decisions of the University Senate and the University Administrative Board to the units affiliated with the University;
  • To make suggestions to the Rector about the personnel to be appointed in the University Administrative Organization;
  • To carry out the correspondence of the Rectorate;
  • To perform similar duties to be assigned by the Rector.
Adı Soyadı Prof. Dr. Elvan KEÇELİOĞLU
Görevi Genel Sekreter Vekili
Telefon (Dahili) 444 20 10
E-Posta [email protected]
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