Strategies for Distance Education Activities After the Pandemic

AnasayfaUniversityCOVID-19Strategies for Distance Education Activities After the Pandemic
  • Planning for distance education activities after the epidemic and new thoughts.

As of Monday, March 23, 2020, all courses have been given remotely at the University. In addition, all assessment and evaluation studies, including exams and assignments, have been conducted remotely. The infrastructural systems required for this distance education, which covers the whole of the University, have been brought into compliance at the very beginning of the epidemic process.

The topics planned for distance education activities after the epidemic are as follows:

  • Reviewing constantly the practices and decisions regarding the distance delivery of selected courses, not exceeding 30% of the formal program courses for each program,
  • Re-organization of the programs towards the implementation of the blended learning model,
  • Making improvements to increase the functionality of remote measurement and evaluation applications,
  • Developing and editing digital content, establishing a related unit at the university,
  • Instructor, distance education systems compatibility, and development studies.
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