Distance Education Activities

AnasayfaUniversityCOVID-19Distance Education Activities

Distance Education Activities

As for distance education activities, the University has decided to share the information below about the courses conducted across the university with relevant academic and administrative staff.

Synchronous and asynchronous applications

  • All courses are given synchronously through Microsoft Teams at our university as of Monday, March 23, 2020. In addition, all course materials will be shared with students through MEBIS systems. Software and applications used in this context are as follows: Microsoft Teams and MEBIS.


  • The University Senate prefers to hold midterms online or in the form of homework projects during the epidemic. Online Exam and Homework applications are made with the MEBIS learning management system.
  • Due to the increase in the distance education load during the epidemic, it has been decided to check regularly and detect software and hardware errors and then make the necessary updates,
  • Instructors and students were given Online Exam Applications Training. In addition to this training, information and asynchronous training videos were shared on corporate web channels.
  • Almost all instructions and guidelines have been provided to the instructors, and it will go on until the normalization of the pandemic.

Online Training for Instructors

  • Synchronous/Asynchronous course application training was already given through Microsoft Teams and such kind of training will continue not only to make teaching staff aware of the gravity of the pandemic situation but also to improve constantly the teaching quality. In addition, the Synchronous course application training videos were shared with the instructors, and this will continue until the end of the pandemic not to interrupt the students’ education.

Information and support activities for students.

  • During the pandemic, students have been constantly updated about the pandemic conditions, teaching, and exams. In this respect, first, a general announcement about the distance education system and applications to be used at our university, an asynchronous education video, and a guide explaining how to use the distance education system and how to access the courses, as well as the distance education general student guide and announcements and information was shared with the students. In addition, the University has instantly supported all students with its corporate WhatsApp line established during this process. These announcements and notifications can be found on the university web page.
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