Outgoing Staff

AnasayfaERASMUSOutgoing Staff

Please take the time to read through this information below. It contains information that you will need to help you settle in. If you need any assistance, you may email Erasmus Office: [email protected] . We will be pleased to assist you with your inquiries.

Erasmus+ mobility is an exchange program supported by the Turkish National Agency, in EU program countries (with and without grants) to teach at partner institutions or to train at institutions/companies/universities related to the participant’s field (with and without agreement).

Erasmus Office grants the staff according to the principles of the Erasmus+ Program determined by the Turkish National Agency. The amount of the grants received can change according to the host countries and the mobility dates of the staff. The staff can contact the host institution for accommodation.

The University guarantees full recognition of the mobility.

Required Documents for Erasmus+ Staff Mobility For Teaching

1. Application Form for Erasmus Staff Mobility for Teaching

2. Application Form for English Test

3. Mobility Agreement for Staff Teaching

4.Acceptance/ Invitation Letter (should be requested from host institution and submitted to AMU Erasmus Office)

5.Passport Copy

6. General Health Insurance (including travel and mobility dates)

7. Copy of Euro Bank Account Book

Required Documents for Erasmus+ Staff Mobility For Training

1.Application Form for Staff Mobility for Training

2. Application Form for English Test

3. Mobility Agreement for Staff Training

4.Acceptance/ Invitation Letter (should be requested from host institution and submitted to AMU Erasmus Office)

5.Passport Copy

6. General Health Insurance (including travel and mobility dates)

7. Copy of Euro Bank Account Book

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